Photography Mentoring Terms and Conditions

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Mentoring Terms and Conditions set out clear expectations and guidelines to govern the relationship between mentors and mentees. These terms are ideal for mentoring businesses and are used to ensure both parties understand what to expect from each other before the mentoring begins.

These mentoring terms are specifically designed for the photography industry.

Frequently Asked Questions

These terms are designed to be attached to a proposal or letter of engagement. The terms are flexible and can be customised to suit your particular needs. You can change whether your services are offered to groups or individuals, and whether you offer retreats or workshops. This template is quick and easy to use so that you can go back to focusing on what matters – growing your business!

The essential terms of your working relationship including:

  • Individuals or Groups: these terms can be tailored to suit your business’s needs. You have the option to include terms for mentoring individuals or terms for mentoring groups.
  • Special Retreats: there’s an option to include terms that govern group retreats or workshops in schedule 1. These additional terms set out cancellation timeframes and fees, safety, confidentiality, dietary requirements, photography rights and more.
  • Obligations: the obligations of the Mentor include performing mentoring services with reasonable care and skill. The client acknowledges that while the Mentor will help develop plans and strategies, it is up to the client to carry out the work needed and to seek independent advice if required.
  • Fees: terms that govern payment
    Intellectual property: the Mentor owns all their material and clients cannot
  • reproduce or distribute that content without permission.
  • Confidentiality: that both parties keep the other party’s confidential information, confidential.
  • Photographs: clients agree to your mentoring business using images taken during mentoring sessions for promotional use.
How to use this Doc:
  1. Complete the highlighted fields throughout.
  2. Consider any TIPs in the comment bubbles and make any necessary changes to the wording to suit your personal circumstances.
  3. Proofread it carefully.
  4. Consider if you need legal advice.
  5. Start using your document.
Cherrypicka is not a law firm and we do not provide legal advice. No client / solicitor relationship is formed between you and us when you purchase and use our templates. Our templates are general in nature. They may not cover every situation or law that applies to you or your specific circumstances. If you have any questions, concerns or are unsure whether the template is right for you or your business, you must see a qualified lawyer before using our templates. Our templates are not intended to be a substitute for legal advice. Our templates are based on laws current at the time of purchase and are based on Australian law. They are not suitable for use outside of Australia.


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